MRSA, MRSA Me! is David Folck’s story about his unexpected journey through the world of medical malpractice both medically and legally.

In the end he offers up thoughts on medical malpractice and patient safety reform for the good of all patients. He achieved this in spite of being 100% disabled due to PTSD.

“There was no way I thought that certain events in my life, which began in late December 2003, would ever be the subject of a book. However, what occurred, beginning back then, became too much for me to keep inside.” –David L. Folck

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Already coping with two significant medical conditions, David L. Folck survives a near-death medical malpractice nightmare from a non-hospital acquired infection that required life-saving heart surgery.


In California, more than 140,000 people sustain medical malpractice injuries annually.

Already coping with two significant medical conditions, David L. Folck survives a near-death medical malpractice nightmare from a non-hospital acquired infection that required life-saving heart surgery. A legal nightmare followed that was full of surprises, back-stabbings and disappointments. Depositions from the case provide memorable statements from defendants and medical experts. Several years pass after a settlement, and the author finally finds the strength to relive the experience and recount this shocking, compelling tale. Along with this first person true story, the author also provides tips on navigating the medical malpractice system and provides timely and important ideas for reform. It is written in the style of a “60 Minutes” report but with significant details. It took 6+ years for the author to complete the book due to the subject matter and a significant clinical depression. No first person story of a medical malpractice experience has been written and published as a book until now. This book started as a therapeutic mental exercise after a horrific med mal nightmare ordeal. The subject matter is now quite timely and is part of a growing wave to reform or overturn the unfair, unjust, one-sided med mal law in California known as The MICRA.


“This is not fiction. I saw all of this unfold right before my eyes!” Rochelle (Shelley) Martenson—Senior Legal Secretary

“A gripping account of egregious medical malpractice. This is a must-read for anyone who has been a victim of medical malpractice and contemplates filing a lawsuit under outdated and unfair medical malpractice laws.” Kathryn King—Senior Legal Assistant

“A personal story interwoven with factual information that will benefit anyone trying to navigate the traumatic course from a preventable medical injury to settlement of a medical malpractice claim. It is an unpretentious exposé of a system designed to undercut the rights of injured Californians and protect their offenders.” Rae Greulich—Patient Safety Advocate


About the author

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  • Name John Doe
  • Address Raihan St. 1601 S. California Ave Palo Alto, CA 94304. US
  • Birthday 15 Mei 1991
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